page 3 ( 99 ) B Sc Final Year continue

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     When  I  entered  into  B Sc  IIIrd  year,  my  brother  had  passed  Std  X  and  joined  for  Pre-degree  Course  in  my  college  itself.   His  aptitude  was  in Mathematics  and  therefore  he  could  select  either  I A or  I B class.   In  I A class , the  second  language  was  Hindi  & in  I B  class,  it  was  Malayalam.   From  Vth  Std  itself,  he  was  weak  in  learning  Hindi.   So,  after the  results  of  Std  X,  I  & my  brother  together  made  a  decision - for  Pre-degree  Course,  he  would  select  Malayalam  instead  of  Hindi as  second  language.   I  explained  to  him  how  I  made  a mistake  in  selecting  a  college  for  Pre-degree  & then  selecting  the  main  subject  for  Degree  course.   We  together  decided  that  such  a  tragedy  should not  happen  in  his  life.   When  he  was  in  Std  IX and  X,  I  helped  him  and  guided  him  to  work  hard  and  score  higher  than  me.   But, I didn't  compel  or provoke  him  because  I  was  totally against  that.   Students  should  learn  their  lessons  from  their  heart.   They  should  understand  each  &  every  sentence  in  their  textbook  and  also  the  ultimate  goal  of  education  -  to  work  for  humanity.   However,  I  had  a  desire  in  my  mind  -  he  should  also achieve distinction  in  Std  X .  Unfortunately,  he  couldn't but  scored high  first  class.   Thus,  he  joined  for  Pre-degree  in  I B class,  the  subjects  being  Mathematics,  Physics  & Chemistry.   
     In our  studies,  there  was  no one  to  guide  us.  We  took  many  decisions, some  of  them  were  correct,  others not.   Now,  I  remember  a  scene  from  the  ancient  Indian  epic, Mahabharata,  written by  Vyasa.   In  it, during  the  Kurukshetra battle, the  Kauravas and  the  Pandavas  came  face  to  face,  ready  to  begin  the  battle.   Then,  Arjuna,  who  was  an  expert  in  archery,  had  some  doubts  when  he  saw  the  persons  in  the  Kauravas.   Understanding  his  doubts,  Lord  Krishna spoke  to  him.   "Now,  when  Arjuna saw men  arrayed  on  both  sides  fro  mutual  slaughter , he  was  deeply  agitated  and  Krishna  spoke  to  him  in  order  to  quell  his  agitation,  and  remove  his  doubts.   Krishna's exhortation  to  Arjuna  at  this  juncture is  the  Bhagavad  Gita which  is  enshrined  in  millions  of  hearts  as  the  Word  of  God , and  is  acknowledged  by  all  as  one  of  the  supreme treasures of  human  literature.   ( courtesy - Mahabharata  translated  to  English  by  C Rajagopalachari *) .  But we couldn't  find  any  advisor  like  Lord  Krishna in our life when we faced with some critical incidents in our life.   
     B Sc  Chemistry  Final  Year  - the  practical  sessions  -  burette,  pipette,  the  precipitates  formed  in  test  tubes  after  the  experiments  -  everything  were  there.   I  was  wondered  when  I  saw  colourful  precipitates  formed  in  test  tubes  of  my  classmates.   But  I  was  tired  in  my  mind.   I hesitated  how  could  I  pass  the  examination.   The  Final  Year  Degree  Course  - has  another speciality.   It  is  -  Study  Tour.   Though  it  is  a study  tour,  actually,  it  is  a  pleasure  trip  to  most  of  them.   I  think  it  was  to  Malampuzha,  Ooty,  Kodaikanal etc.  I  doubted  whether  I  could  participate  in  it  or  not.   I  informed  about  this  in  my  family  but  there  was  no  response  from  my  father.   I  had  a  small  amount  of  money  left  in  my  Bank  account  which  was  created  to  deposit  lumpsum  grant.   My  classmates  especially  girls  would  always  proudly  declare  that  we  are  all  united  in  everything.   Therefore,  when  I  mentioned  that  perhaps  I  wouldn't  be  able  to  come  because  of  my  financial  problems,  they  became  worried .   After  that,  one  of  our  Lecturers  asked  me, "how  much  money  can  you  give ?"  We  were  in  the  Laboratory,  I  think.   I  said, "Rs 500 / - "  How  did  I reply  like  that  ?  I  don't  know.   I  think  I  had  Rs 800 /-  or  Rs 900 /-  in  my  account.   But  how  could  I  give  all  the  money  ?  I  knew  that  my  father  couldn't  give  even  100 /-  Rs  to  me.   
      The  tour  started  in  the  morning.   All  of  us  reached  the  college.   At  first,  we  walked  to  the  St Peter's  and  St Paul's  Orthodox  Church   and  prayed.   Then,  the  next  destination,  being  a  Chemistry  batch  and  a  study  tour, was  a  visit  to  a  factory.   I  have  kept  a  secret  for  you,  here.   The  factory  situated  in  my  own  village,  Kadayiruppu.   The  richest  family  in  Chittuparambil  House - Mr M S Alexander's family  owned  that  factory,  "Aroma".   From  my  childhood  itself,  I had  seen  some  ladies  walking  through  the  road  in  front  of  my  house  at  about  07.30 a.m. , for  working  in  this  factory.   I  have  already  mentioned  this  in one  of  the  earlier  chapters.   I  don't  know  how  to  express  the  exact  work  doing  there.   Pardon  me  for  this  because  after  the  tour,  in  our  record  book,  we  explained  about  our 'study  tour ' , we  wrote  everything  we  saw  and  experienced  in  that  factory.  When  we  reached  there,  Mr Alexander  was  there,  to  receive  us.   I  stood  there  on  one  side  because  I  had  a doubt  in  my  mind  whether  he  would  recognise  me  or  not.   He  always  travelled  in  car  through  the  road  in  front  of  my  house.   Many  times,  when  the  car  went  through  there,  my  mother  would  say, "there  goes  Mr Alexander's car ".  My  doubt  was  whether  he  had  seen  me  when  I  walked  through  the  road  or  waited  in  the  bus  stop.  I  remember  one  staff  giving  us  a  bowl  and requesting  us  to  smell  it.  When  we  did  it,  we  could  experience  the  smell  of  jasmine  flowers.    We  were  wondered  to  know  that  it was  the  essence  of  jasmine  flower.
* C Rajagopalachari - he  was  also  known  as  Rajaji.   He  took  part  in  the  Indian  Independence  struggle.   He  was  the  first  & last  Indian  Governor General  of  India.   After  India  got  Independence,  he worked  as Governor  of  West  Bengal,  Minister  of  the  Home  Affairs of  the  Indian  Union and Chief  Minister  of  the  Madras  State ( Tamil  Nadu  ).

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