page 2 ( 25 ) Std VI continues

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          When I get ready to go to school everyday, my mother would shout at me,"what are you doing here ?  Every student has gone to school.  Are you waiting to be alone ?  How will she go alone through the road ?"  My mother would look at the road watching the students going to school.  Then I would think about my past when I was in IIIrd & IVth Std.  In those days I believed that I was very courageous and wouldnot fear anything.  But when I entered Vth & VIth Std, a change occurred in my thoughts and mind.
     I don't know when I conceived the idea about the supremacy of men over women.  Somehow or other, I realised that a man can rape a woman and it would destroy her self - respect.  But the man is safe always and the woman has to suffer.  Rape - the word itself has a horrifying influence on a girl.  When I knew that a male can rape a female but the reverse is not possible, my trust in humankind was lost.  It is the second and serious blow that hit on every girlchild of this earth.  It hit me not for once.  It came upon me as a continuous process.  I think it began from my Vth Std and continued for months.  During this period, my body and mind were burning.  I think some changes might have been taken place in the cells of my body.  Otherwise, how should I experience the burning sensation ?  The practitioners of modern medicine may be laughing at me for this thought.  What about the Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Neurologists and Sociologists ?  I am sure that they cannot find out an answer.  A new branch of mental healing, which consider the female race as humanbeing should be formed, for the healing of the females from their mental injuries.
     When such a serious blow is hit upon an already 10% lowered humanbeing, her capacity is again lowered and she becomes only a 'half humanbeing'.  Then comparing a girl to a boy is worthless.  In Kerala, when the results of Entrance Examination for Engineering Courses are published, the newspapers report it like this, "all top ranks are bagged by boys".  Then, realising the naked truth, there occurs a shock in my mind.
     Man has more physical strength than woman. The idea behind this can be described like this - a woman's body is made in a manner suitable for 'childbirth'.  In early centuries, when the woman and the newborn child were taking rest inside the hut, the primitive man faced many difficulties - wild animals, bad weather and the other men who lived there.  So, he needed a physically strong body.  Even a child can understand this.
     Even in this 21st century, some people say that women and men are not equal without analysing the facts.  I had analysed many of my classmates ( boys ).  In classroom, their mental abilities were the same as that of girls.  My brother, who is five years younger to me, grew up, in front of my eyes.  But I didn't see any speciality in him with respect to his mental abilities.  But I remember when a particular occasion comes to purchase anything, the Teacher would send a boy or two boys outside the compound of the school.  This was for the 'safety' of the girls.  It was the responsibility of the school authorities to take charge the 'safety' of the girls from 10.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m.( during the school time ).  But, what is 'safety' ?  In many cases, 'safety' cannot be ensured in the school campuses.
     One Sunday, I saw an alarming sight.  A sexton pushing away the young girls of Ist Std who dared to put their legs on the steps leading to the altar of the Church.  "The girls have no right to do this, but the boys have", I noted it down in my mind.

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