page 3 ( 52 ) Std VIII continues in Pazhamthottam School

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     There were Mereena and Subhisha from my class in the prayer group at the beginning of the School Assembly.  Mereena's house was near our School - just after one or two houses.  I had gone there many times.  Now, I remember that how beautiful was she !   There is a reason behind it.  I continued in that School only upto the middle of that academic year.  What happened is this : -
     The students from Kadayiruppu had to go to  High School by bus , wherever it is :-  Kolenchery, Pattimattam or Pazhamthottam.  It is a fact that our previous generation walked to St. Peter's High School & St. Peter's College, Kolenchery through the road in front of our house .  When I was a child ie before I went to School,some of the girls used to enter our courtyard , draw water from the well and drink.  It was a usual practice in our village.  Wherever we go, when we happen to  see a well we would draw water  and drink.  I remember the special taste of wellwater even today.    Now, it is said that the purity of wellwater cannot be relied upon.  
     Some people in Kadayiruppu took control of the idea  to upgrade  the Upper Primary School,as a High School.  The English Medium School had already been upgraded as a High School.  Therefore, a High School was necessary for the common people's children.  The proposal was laid before the Government.  K. Karunakaran was the Chief Minister of Kerala and T H Mustafa was the MLA.  When the Government sanctioned the plan,, I think a committee was formed  to collect money from each & every family in our village.  My father was also there with them in the task.  
     In the meantime, I continued to go to Government High School Pazhamthottam.  The bus would reach the busstop at 09.00 a.m.  Therefore, I had to rise up early to begin my works in the kitchen.  Moreover, I had made a strong decision to study well and attain maximum marks in Xth Std.  Marks in Xth Std  ( SSLC ) was considered as most  important.  My father would set alarm  in Timepiece for 05.00 a.m.  Therefore, I would get up everyday at 05.00 a.m. The problem was I couldn't sit and study after waking up.  I had to wash my face and brush my teeth.  Otherwise I would again continue my sleeping.  Everyday I would hope my father would also come and walk through the front courtyardor sit in the kitchen .  I hoped like this because bsometimes he had done so.  I would think about  rich people's houses where the toilet and wash basin are inside the house.  "Could they ever understand my situation?", I would think.  I had heard many ladies comment like this,""the children who have an interest will learn in any circumstances".  I strongly disagree with this statement.  These people do not know what happens in a poor family.  Another statement is like this - ,""if there is love among the family members they will work hard and escape from poverty".  Love !  The  word used for deceiving poor people.  
     What would happen to a poor family ?    1) some of them might become mental patients 2) brothers and sisters become enemies 3) some of them might become drunkards 4) some of them become addicts of ganja or brownsugar  5) some of them become a prey to the underworld or maphia  of any kind  6) some might become robbers  7) some might become murderers  8) some might become smugglers 9) some might become rapists 10) some families might commit suicide together  11) sometimes, the head of the family might kill all the other family members and commit suicide 12) sometimes, unmarried girls would elope with a man.  There are two choices  a) perhaps she might lead a happy married life  ( b) she might reach a brothel. 
     My aim was a high score in Xth Std.  But as a result of my reaction to all actions,, another thing happened - I became a speechless person.  In the presence of my father & mother I couldn't utter a word to anyone.  I could speak to my classmates who sat beside me and I would make them my friends.  I looked at the mirror.  I could see the same fire in my father's eyes.  Yes.  I had become as cruel as my father

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