page 3 ( 62 ) Memories from Std IX

page 3
     Though I was passing through one of the crucial periods of my life, there were some joyful moments also in my life.  One of them was learning Syriac.  One Sunday, our Sunday School Headmaster announced that though our Church is known as a Syrian Church, it was very pathetic that we didn't know how to speak, read & write in Syriac.  He added that on the next Sunday, we should bring a notebook also.  Accordingly, I went next Sunday, with a notebook also.  After the Sunday School time, we were directed to the room in which we had to begin the class.
     As I had already mentioned, the 1st Std was inside the Church.  The 2nd Std was in the front verandah, 3rd Std was on the left side & 4th Std  on the right side.  The 5th Std was in the Old Church's verandah (the old Church's roof was tiled and there were many doves ). In the compound stood our Chapel, the Old Church, then there was a building called "bungalow".  I had often wondered to hear that name because the building was a small two - storeyed one.  On the ground floor, there was a small office room, then a closed room - I don't know what was the purpose of it, then at the end, the vicar's room.  There were steps to climb to the first floor - it was amazing that there was also a verandah, where the 6th & 7th Stds were running.  Inside, there were three rooms in which  8th, 9th &10th Stds were conducted.  On the left side of the "bungalow", there was a building in which prayers were offered by the "Vanitha samajam" unit in the Church, after the Holy Qurbana.  It was on this room that we sat for learning Syriac.  On one end of the building, there was a kitchen, where sometimes food was prepared when the Vicar of the Church resided there.  A cook also was appointed there.  
     There was a well in the Church compound.  I used to draw water from it and drink.  Some of my classmates advised me that the water in the well was oily and not suitable to drink because the different liquid - like substances from the dead bodies buried near the cemetery are mixed in the wellwater.  But I would drink because after the Holy Qurbana, the Sunday School would start and end at about 01.00 P.m.  When we would reach home, the time would be at about 01.45 P.m.  By that time, we would be very tired.  Because of this, I drank wellwater every Sunday.  There were toilets in the compound but sad to say, I didn't like them.  
     Our Sunday School Teacher wrote the alphabets of Syriac on the blackboard and explained that it should be written from right to left, which made us wonder - struck.  And what makes it special that the learning process didn't proceed.  I learnt Syriac only one day.  Now I wonder why I didn't find the reason behind it.  I can't remember anything about it today.  
     While returning home, I & my brother would be very tired.  We would drink water from the public water pipes.  There was a water pipe before reaching LPSchool.  Secondly, after passing the UPSchool, when we reach near the pumphouse, just opposite the pump house,  there was a public water pipe.  I had drunk water from two of these pipes many times because all my energy would be exhausted by that time.
     Anyway, I used to participate in groupsongs with Reena  and Ancy ( in Malayalam & Syriac ).  It helped me to face an audience with a group, I think.

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