page 3 ( 85 ) IInd Year Pre - degree - Memories

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               ( 85 )
     Though I was on the verge of failure,  I continued in hostel, as a student who is working hard to attain maximum marks.   But,  I worked hard - it is correct.  It was too late, one year was lost.   I was in the adolescence stage & there was no one to help me.   What would happen  to such a girl from a poor family ?  Everyone knows.   But,  I had the basic strength - the Sunday School education.   My Sunday School classes upto Std X ended at the middle of Pre - degree IInd year.   By that time,   I had got a basic knowledge of Bible and catechism.  I think those who studied in MJSSA (Malankara Jacobite Syrian Sunday School Association ) wouldn't go astray whatever temptations might be faced by the society around them.   The teachings are that much strong and almost everything is stored in my memory.  'And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way,  walk in it, "when turn to the right or when you turn to the left. '  ( Isaiah 30 :21 ).
     I remember there were two persons in the hostel with whom I had acquaintances earlier.   One was our neighbours Mr Varghese & Mr Johny's sister's daughter,  Jasmine.   Another one was Jenu, who was a member of our church choir and a friend of Maji.   Jasmine was doing her Post Graduation in Botany or Zoology ? I forgot.   Jenu was doing TTC ( Teacher's Training Course ).
    One thing I need to mention is this : - when I joined hostel,  the lumpsum grant which I got was only a little because the hostel fee was free for us.   But during one time,  I got 500 /- Rs .  Then,  I thought for a while - what to do with that money ?  I found myself that I needed a watch.   So,  I went home and said to my father that I needed a watch and gave him 500/- Rs.  After some days,  someone came to my room and said that I had a visitor waiting for me.   When I went to the visitor's room,  I could see my father sitting there.   Seeing me, he took a packet and alas ! I wondered to see  a silver-coloured watch !  I asked him how much did it cost.   He replied that it costed Rs. 450/- or 480/- .  I don't remember the exact amount.   But I was a little disappointed .  I had thought that he would buy one having 250/- or 300/- Rs.  and the rest of the money would be utilised for purchasing some household goods.   But,  I didn't say anything to him.   He was always like that.  He would buy the best one and naturally, it would be costlier than the ordinary ones.
     Towards the end of Pre - degree IInd year, three more girls from my class also joined hostel before the Final examinations.   They were always seen together,  beautiful and stylish.   So,  many boys came near them during the intervals and tried to make friendship with them.   One among them,  Reenus was a relative of Puthiyaveettil house.   Later,  one day,  when she came to Puthiyaveettil house with her parents,  kochechi introduced me to them.  It happened because I went there to bring newspaper and at the same time, they were present there.
     Though our hostel had a security and a security room was there at the entrance of the hostel,  we were always afraid of thieves.   The hostel was a two - storeyed building.   Around the hostel,  there was a wall.  At the 1st floor,  about half of the rooms were empty,  when I was staying there.   Therefore,  it was our usual practice to walk through the corridor of that place and learn our lessons.   One day,  when I was learning my lessons,  I looked through the grille of the corridor to outside.   I could see a man sitting beyond our hostel campus,  in an agricultural land,  looking at the hostel.   The whole students came and looked at him but he was sitting there without any movement.   I think only a few students were there during daytime.   It must be the days of study leave.
     During those days,  some students said that in the evening,  near the toilets,  they had seen a person from outside.   Then,  we had got an idea.   At night, between  11.30 p. m. and 12.30 a.m., when all the lights were switched off,  we sat on the corridor on mats to find out the robber.   Now,  when I remember it,  I don't know what was the feeling in my mind. 


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