page 2 ( 26 ) continues Std VI

  page 2
      ( 26 )
     I have heard many eminent women speaking in their interviews that they haven't faced any difficulties in their offices as a 'woman'.  Then, I would wonder, "what a fake comment,.....lie !"  I know when colleagues engage in vulgar conversations, either they would neglect it or they would take part passively in it with a dull smile, acting like fools.  Have they ever walked through the roads alone during the nights ( in Kerala ) ?  Have they entered a hotel and order tea at night time ?  They might have travelled 'safely' with their husbands or sons or in the reserved compartments of train during night.
     But, what about the future of this 'half humanbeing' , the female whose confidence always thrashed by the surroundings ?  She would try to overcome her deficiencies by applying different types of beautifying objects on their faces and lips and thereby ridiculed by the society again and again.  This process starts from her childhood itself.  A father tells his four years old girl that when she wears a set of bangles, she becomes more 'beautiful'.  But, a four years old boy also becomes beautiful when he wears a set of bangles.  But noone cares him because they know that he will grow up as a man without wearing any ornaments.  I have heard many men criticising girls for their make - ups.  But actually, the man is behind all these - from the childhood itself, a man brings bangles, garland & ring for his daughter.  I wonder what is the use of all these things.  A young boy also becomes beautiful if he uses bangles, garland and ring.  I observed that the girls waste time by using these unwanted things and the boys get additional time for their studies.  But this is to exhibit her in the wedding market.  The girl who owns the most collection of ornaments would win the most handsome and wealthy man.  I know that even to take care of their hair,the girls waste most of their time.  This is also a trick made by men.  In the poems and stories, the men praise women who have beautiful hair.
     When I was in VIth Std, most of the girls in the English Medium School had cut their hair in different shapes.  I also supported the idea secretly.  But I didn't do that because my friends would call me a 'rich girl'.  Then there is another thing - cleaning the courtyard with a broom.  This job is reserved for girls.  I found out that only the girls in the poor houses do this job.  In the rich families, either they would spread gravel or tiles in the courtyard.  In poor families, the girls waste their time for cleaning the courtyard - in many cases in fear of their fathers who are eager to marry them off to 'another family'.  I remember one of my meighbours Fr Ithipuzha's courtyard and the path leading to the gate were full  of gravel.  Therefore, it was easy for them to clean it.  The boys donot even think about cleaning the courtyard.  They can use the time for studies.  Therefore, I decided that when I grow up, the courtyard would be filled with gravel or tiles.
     The 'half humanbeing' incessantly passes through a training to go to another house.  For that, she has to learn cooking.  But the boy neednot learn cooking because a 'half humanbeing' will come to his house and cook food for him and his family members.  It is compulsory that this 'half humanbeing' should know how to cook almost everything.  But it is not compulsory to read newspapers, to know the chemical changes that take place in the kitchen, to know how to keep this earth safe for the next generation, to know the importance of saving energy, the theory behind the existance of this Universe or how the light from the Sun reaches the Earth, how the seasons change, how the electricity reaches our houses, the theory behind the radio, television & the modern technological developments.  Instead, she will cook food for her husband and his family three or four times a day and the impotant thing is that to behave as a 'happy' woman and as an obeying wife.  This must be the behaviour of an 'ideal' wife in Kerala.  And you know, I am not one of them !

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