page 3 ( 81 ) Memories again from Pre - degree Ist year

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     When I got an idea about getting a radio,  I was really excited.   But I didn't express any of my feelings on my face.   One day,  I went to grandfather's house, crossing the paddyfields. My grandmother was very lean and almost all the time, on the bed.   I asked grandfather whether he would give me his radio for some months to hear the news.   I assured him that I would return it definitely.  I returned to my home with the radio.   When I remember it today,  I feel that it is a wonder. It was after that time that I had got a chance to hear the songs from movies & dramas. But when the English news started,  my mother would shout at me to stop the radio.   "It is very difficult to survive here",  I would think.
     Whenever a strike occurred in my college,  I would return to my home as early as possible because I thought I could spend my time for my studies.   But how far away was I from learning ?  I know that the educationists would find out many remedies - psychiatrical treatments,  counselling, special attention from the part of Teachers etc.  But nothing of this kind of approach was available to me in my educational institution.  I think even today,  students from broken families couldn't find a place in the campuses of India.  When I return to my house,  my father along with my mother would have completed collecting the  latex  .  By that time,  my mother also had   started working with my father in collecting  latex.  For that,  she was also given a small  amount of remuneration.   The reason for this additional work was that the increase in the number of rubber sheets - I forgot the number of rubber sheets obtained from the rubber plantation.   When I return from college due to a strike,  my father & mother would be collecting it, climbing down the steps and going to Puthiyaveettil house.   I remember my father's fiery eyes.   His looks made me guilty.  I thought why such a 'grown up' woman like me make my father working for me and I sitting always relaxed.   I thought like that because I was always called as a 'grown up' woman.  
      Towards the end of that academic year,  suddenly I got another idea.   I thought that why didn't I ask the help of grandfather to complete the  work of toilet.  By that time,  grandfather had built toilets in my father's brothers' houses.  One day,  I went to his house and told, "grandpa, the toilet's work has left incompleted.  Would you please help me to complete it ?  Now,  I am a grown up girl.  Without a toilet, it is very difficult to live here".  My grandfather took it seriously and quickly,  everything was done.  The door was not there,  I thought my father would bring one from a shop.   But,  I saw a wonderful thing - he made two doors from palm-leaf.   When the toilet was ready to use,  on the same day,  my IInd year Pre - degree class  began.


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