page 3 ( 94 ) Degree 1st Year continued

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     When I attended the classes,  I understood everything.   But at the same time,  my mind was filled with the thought of preparing jackfruit tree nuts and collecting firewoods from the rubber plantation.   Though I understood everything in the classroom,  I couldn't learn them in my house. The cations, anions, the IUPAC names, the homologous series, the Aliphatic compounds, Aromatic compounds, Heterocyclic compounds, chemical kinetics - I understood everything.   But I couldn't learn them or even read once a time.   
     When I return from the college,  my father would have gone to Kadayiruppu junction.   My mother's loud voice and my sister's cries would make me panic.   As my brother had reached IXth Std,  I decided to discuss the family matters with him.   One Saturday,  I and my brother were sitting in the rubber plantation.   My sister was running through that place here and there.   We were speaking about our mother.   I asked him, "is she really mad? "  "I don't know, I'm not sure", he replied.   "It seems that she has great memory power.   I think the part in her brain which controls memory is grown much.   She memorises each event in her life and repeatedly talk about them .  What is the reason ?", I asked.   "Yes," he said, "it is true and it makes irritation".  
     "I think she is slightly mad.   Then, why don't our father take her to a psychiatrist in Medical Mission Hospital, Kolenchery ?", I asked.   He didn't know how to solve the problem .  "But when neighbours or relatives come, she behaves as a normal and smart lady.   How is it possible ?  I can't behave like that, " I said to him.   "Is she mad or not ?", that was the topic we discussed the most in our adolescence stage.   Later, when I studied Shakespeare's drama,  "Hamlet", there is a confusion that whether Prince Hamlet is mad or not.   It was then I realised that Shakespeare found his characters from real life.   His characters are alive even today. 
     When I completed my Pre - Degree Course itself,  aunt Laly was blessed with two children - an elder girlchild and then a boychild.   When these two children were born,  all the financial expenses were done by aunt Molly.   One day, my father went to mother's house and returned in the evening.   I was looking into the textbook to hear the news.   He angrily said that when he reached near the busstop of mother's house, the neighbours and acquaintances told him that aunt Molly had decided to marry a person who belonged to another religion.  
      I was shocked to hear the news but when I deeply analysed the problem,  I understood that aunt Molly's two elder sisters and their husbands wouldn't bring her a husband.   It might be the reason why she took such a decision.   One thing I left to mention is this : - my maternal grandfather used to go to a toddy shop and after returning to house,  he would say whatever he liked.   When he knew about aunt Molly's decision,  he went to toddy shop everyday and said anything against aunt Molly and her mother. 

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