page 3 ( 83 ) The Beginning of IInd year Pre - degree

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     From the beginning of IInd year Pre - degree classes, I had been going to college from hostel.   II  C - that was the name of our class.   Then,  a problem aroused - after coming from the class, I had no suitable night dress to wear.   In my home,  I used old dresses and there was nothing special in it.   But,  in hostel,  everyone was well-dressed even at night.  I was unyielding in this case - to purchase clothes of low cost to stitch a pair of new dress to wear during the time when I stayed in hostel.  So,  after my first day in hostel,  I returned home, stitched two dresses and  again went to hostel.   Our hostel had many specialities.  Our warden was very strict and it might be the reason why utter silence prevailed in the study hall.   In each room,  there were four cots, all of them under a fan.  But, our cots shouldnot be pulled together,  that was the rule.   Near the door,  there was an opening,  through which the warden can look and see the activities of everyone.   On one end of the room,  two cots were placed - one cot over the other - we placed our bags and other commodities over there.   At the other end,  three or four clotheslines were arranged.
     My greatest surprise was three newspapers - two Malayalam newspapers ( Malayala Manorama & Mathrubhumi ) and one English newspaper ( The Hindu ).  I thought what a great opportunity had got to me and read the newspapers very carefully.   Though the newspapers were placed in the study hall,  no one made a sound while reading it. When I remember that calm, quiet & serene atmosphere in that study hall,  even today I like to take shelter in that atmosphere and sit there in Dhyana or Meditation.   The hostel's speciality can be called as an "Utopian Style".  I realised it when I studied the book "Utopia" by Thomas More, which was published in 1516.  "Utopia" meant an imaginary world where the people share a common culture and way of life ie. a perfect land.   When any newcomer came to hostel,  it was her duty to go to each room and acquaint herself.  Whenever two persons met together,  we should smile and if necessary,  talk about some special news,  except at the time of study.  In the mess hall,  there were many tables and on the two sides of the tables,  two benches were arranged.   The Pre - degree students should sit around one table, that was the rule.   The Ist year degree students sat around another table.   The IInd year degree students around another table & the IIIrd year degree students around another table.  Then,  the Ist year Post Graduate students around another table & the IInd year PG students around another one.   In our group,  the smart,  wealthy & fashionable girl was Dona.   Actually,  I couldn't find any beauty on her face.   But her hair was cut in a special style.   She wore costly and fashionable dresses.   She interacted with boys more than other girls.   That's why she became a smart girl in the college and hostel.
     I want to give a short description of my roommates.   One student was doing her final year degree - BA Malayalam.  She was very beautiful,  everyday she went to college, wearing new sarees.   The 2nd student was doing her final year degree - B Sc Mathematics.  She was also beautiful and a close friend of the 1st one.   The 3rd one,  doing her IId year BA Economics was a student who spoke always loudly.   Looking at me,  they would make some comments, "you must speak like us, be active,  do you have any problem ?  Why are you always sad ?"  I realised that I must act there to reach my ambition in my life.   So, I acted like a 'good' girl during that one year in that hostel.   
     During one of the days of 1st week of joining the hostel,  I looked at one of my roommates' mirror.   It was not like the image in my mirror.  My face looked like a griefstricken, poor & desolate person.   Seeing my real face,  I was shocked.  But,  after one year, my face was totally changed.   It started like this.    The star in our hostel was Radhika,  who was a student of IInd year B Com. , I think.   She could speak English fluently and I think she had her school education outside Kerala.   It was after about one month that Soja came to my room and told me to go to  Radhika's  room.   She was smiling all the time.   Then I realised everything.   "It must be some kind of ragging", I thought.   In Radhika's room,  there was Soja but I'm not sure whether Dona was present or not.   But,  some other person was also present in that  room.   Actually,  I forgot the real activity that was performed there. Radhika asked me to do something.   All the time,  the others were laughing.   At the end,  they placed a mirror in front me.  When I looked at the mirror,  I could see that my face was full of collyrium.   I was wondered and a little ashamed ( got angry ) . But,  outwardly, I was very calm.   I took it as a fun.   After that,  Radhika explained to me that I should have always friendship with everyone , if I am affected by a disease, they are all with me etc.  However,  that hostel life made many changes  in my  life.   
     Later,  I had stayed in many hostels.  But the best one - it is the hostel attached to St Peter's College,  Kolenchery.   There were some working women also in that hostel when I stayed there.   I consider this as a reflection of neatness and perfection of my own village,  in general. 

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