page 3 ( 80 ) Memories continue from Pre - degree 1st year

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     I remember my Botany Lecturer who showed great consideration towards me because during his introductory classes,  he made a request to stand up those who got distinction in Std X.   I also stood up with others.   I used to sit in his class with concentration.   When I understand a new fact,  my face was also used to be illuminated.   "Knowledge is power", what a real statement is it !  The aim of education is acquiring knowledge.   I studied from Std I to Std X, without any compulsion from others,   the schools were tension - free zones to me.   Yes.   I was writing about my Botany Lecturer.   After conducting a Class Test, he asked me to collect the answer sheets.   But I did it in the opposite way.   From that day onwards,  I noticed that he didn't look at me during his lectures.   This made me disappointed but I realised that I was losing my ability to learn.   I wondered how could I read,  understand and study myself all those portions.   I don't know how to describe my mental condition in those times.   
     In my class,  I noticed that during the intervals,  the senior boys from Pre - degree IInd year and Degree Course came and talked to some of the girls.   The was like this.   They would come to the class,  look at all the girls and move towards the most beautiful and fashionable girls.  Then they would start conversation and some of them would fall in love with any of those boys.   Our Principal Prof  T.S. Mammen was very strict and at the sametime a powerful person.   Sometimes,  he would come for checking our classes,  then some of the boys' friends would give some signals and all of them would run away from our classroom.  I was again realising the fact that the boys were interested in speaking to the most beautiful and fashionable girls.
     When I thought about my future,  I became totally upset.   One day,  when I went to Puthiyaveettil  house & returned with the previous day's newspaper,    I got an idea.  There was a radio in grandfather's house.   I could ask him that radio for sometime.   I could hear some Malayalam movie hit songs but the actual reason was that I wanted to listen to the English News.   Here,  I want to mention a point.   I had never written a story or a poem either in Malayalam or in English.   But,  after the Std X examination,  when I got enough time before joining the college,  I wrote two lines in English in my notebook.    The pleasure I experienced !  I can't express it in words !

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