page 3 ( 64 ) Towards the end of Std IX

    page 3
         ( 64 )
      In Geography, we were taught that even clouds are classified.  I studied it by looking at the sky and finding the shapes of the clouds.  Even now, sometimes, I look into those beautiful white coloured clouds and exclaim myself.
     When the final examination was approaching, I was struggling hard to get a high score.  But the atmosphere in my house was the same - I had to  rise early and make tea, when the rice is put on the pot, my mother would be describing how to do things , to me, by lying on the bed and also embracing my sister.    Then she would come to the kitchen, tell some abusive words and would make a statement that the girls like me would be beaten and their hand or leg would be thrashed by their mother - in -   laws.  No one in my house would talk against her.  Only my father knew her character.  Then, there was my brother, a Vth Std student.  He didn't know anything.  Then, what about my relatives ?  When they come, she would laugh like  a high - caste & satisfied lady and she would talk continuously.  Yes.  That is the point.  My father would also join with them.  Seeing this, I would be wondered and look at them angrily.  Then my neighbours my relatives would say that how arrogant was their daughter.  But I didn't talk to any of those relatives who made such a comment about me.
     But when my mother's sisters came, I was very happy because from my childhood itself, they behaved softly towards me.  They were the synonyms of forgiveness.  Now, I realise that they behaved so because they wanted to hide my mother's behaviour. Then what about my neighbours?  My mother didn't go to work outside.  But the people in the rich families didn't consider it's consequences.  Now I understand everything.  My mother's high caste satisfied ladies' laughter, her continuous talk and fair colour made others thought that our family is a satisfied one.  But they didn't realise that she talked every time.    When a relative left our house, after visiting us, she would, start murmuring their faults.
       When she talked to someone, she put one of her hands on her waist and explain that she was suffering from backpain.  Then the other one would look at me and say like this, "then what is your daughter doing?  She is in IXth Std.  Let her do all the household work." Then my mother would start crying,"how can I do it ? She is always studying to get a job."   Then the other one would look at me with contempt and leave the house.
     Now I understand that those people who talked against my studies & who spread the wrong news that I didn't do any household works, are sending their children in English Medium Schools .  Moreover, in Govt schools, English Medium divisions are allowed.  Therefore, everyone has the chance to to study in English Medium divisions.  To those people in Kadayiruppu, I have to ask a question.  Why do you send your girls to English Medium Schools or Malayalam Schools ?  You learn them how to cook different types of food, how to clean the house, how to clean the courtyard, how to clean the cattleshed removing the  cowdung & wash and dry clothes.  Then, she would be a typical wife in her husband's house.  These advices were given to me when I was a small child in my village.  Now, I give it back to the next generation girls.  That's all.

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